We are the Right to Buy mortgage specialists
We are independent mortgage brokers that specialise in arranging Right to Buy mortgages and have successfully helped thousands of people like you to realise their dream of becoming a property owner.

We will guide you through the entire process from initially applying to the council for the price that you can buy your property for, to sourcing and arranging the right mortgage for you.
We can also recommend solicitors and can arrange any associated insurances such as life assurance and buildings insurance. We are fully qualified mortgage advisers and offer comprehensive advice for mortgages and insurances.
It could be cheaper to buy your property than paying rent
Do I Qualify?
See whether you have the Right to Buy
Having lived in social housing accommodation for over three years in total, you may be thinking that it could be cheaper to buy your property rather than pay rent.
To find out all you need to know about whether you can purchase your property, the discount you could be entitled to and who can apply for the right to buy click here.

The Process
Let us guide you through the Right to Buy journey

Once you have confirmed that you do qualify to buy your property under the Right to Buy scheme, the next stage is to apply for a price from your local council.
For a comprehensive step by step guide of how to realise your dream of owning your own home.
If you have any questions, please call us on 01902 765005